Archived content from old Engage Media Lab website. Saved here for use later.



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Social Justice Hub, 5th floor of the University Center

Human Rights and Media in Brazil


The International Field Program (IFP) in the Milano/Graduate Program of International Affairs is an annual opportunity for graduate students to gain practical experience working in the field for two months. Each summer the IFP is held is several countries where students are placed in internships with local NGOs. 

The upcoming IFP in Rio de Janeiro, supervised by Peter Lucas, has its focus on media and human rights. Students in the Brazil IFP typically have two media projects they focus on. Past programs have provided opportunities to make short documentaries on critical issues in Rio and advocacy videos for local NGOs.  Students can also choose to work as media educators in favela communities teaching youth media projects. Media blogs, documentary photography projects, and human rights education portals are also choices.  Students in the past have also worked on website designs for NGO partners and media research.  Depending on the specific interests and skills of students, they are matched with their peers into small teams to work on projects.

More information about the Rio program and the other IFP sites, please see: